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January 20, 2007



I beg to differ with all previous posters. See the roundness to her cheeks, and the gentle set to her mouth? I like her face. :-) If you cover her eyes she has a pleasant face. The furrowed brow speaks of concentration, and of a lifetime of working in the sun.

As far as the yarn on the hat, Sara got that right except she didn't cast it off in anger. She simply didn't pay attention to her quick toss.

Love the picture!


mmmmmmmmmmmmm. I have been known to appear with this look upon my mug. "Up yours" comes to mind.

Cindy D

Sorry....correct spelling is Portuguese.

Here is the Portuguese word for spindle:
n. - fuso (m)

Cindy D

I must have this picture!!!

I am a Portugese spindler....half that is...:)


Where do you get these???!

julia fc

She does look like she's making some kind of incantation, so stern and concerntated is her glare. I wonder if the village kids got their due?


LOL, I love Carole's comments to the picture.


She is one bad mofo spindler!


She is a pretty formidable looking lady. Yeah, she looks like she could take care of herself....



"You say one more word about how long it's taking me to make you a sweater, and you will have this wooly in your winder."

And thus a marketing concept was born.


Oh, Carole. You hit the nail on the head! What's that on her hat? Some badly spun yarn?


I think we'll just be happy we don't know what she would say.




Yowza! Must have been a rough life.


And the caption should read "Don't fuck with me. I have a spindle and I know how to use it."

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