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March 08, 2007



Look at the twinkle in her eye. What a dynamic woman - I love it that she's pleased to be photographed with her wheel. I claim her as an ancestor - surely I am her issue - or perhaps her sister's or her brother's...


Neat picture! Love the wheel. Think I'd like Grandma, too.


She doesn't look as unhappy as some of the others.


She looks pretty content, considered she also looks like she had a pretty hard life. Do you think she found spinning to be the kind of relaxing activity we do? Or was it just another chore?

Great photo.

naomi dagen bloom

synchronicity? blogged about "wind-up toys for grandma," a robot wearing a scalloped apron. very observant on diane's part. thought it was just way material draped on her shoes; those intrigue me.

unusual to find such a photo with entire name on back.

Cindy D

She's just hiding the combs behind her on the floor........

Neat picture ....

Beth S.

Do they make kates like that anywhere? I really like it. It looks very stable and secure, with no risk of airborne bobbin syndrome.


I notice her apron's got a scalloped hem, someone felt a little creative or maybe that was standard?


I love this picture. She has a sweet face.


Her clothes give some hints, too. It's not a pinner apron so it's later than Civil War but it's a long dress so it's not much later than Civil War. Or do you already have a date on the photo?


I like that Lazy Kate!


A wonderful heritage!


I just might want to make me one of those. Looks pretty handy.

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