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April 06, 2008



This is my first time here and I must compliment you on a wonderful blog! As a textile historian I truly appreciate every effort made to preserve our spinning and knitting history. Fantastic work and lovely images. Please keep it up; I'm definitely putting you on my blogroll. Plus, how can you go wrong with all that lamb cuteness??!?


I know you aren't a frequent blogger, but I do drop by occasionally to see if you have another great picture. Since it has been a while since you have posted, I hope all is well with you.

Gail Maki

Cute lil baaabies!!
Bout time, spring.


Yaaay is right! That's exactly what it feels like. These lambies are just too cute. Hooray for spring!

dianna rubidge

I do miss my spring babies. Thanks for the nice reminder.

I just managed to put an icon on my Ravelry profile page-all by myself-being awake most of the night led me to try quite a few new-to-me bits of Ravelry. I feel so clever now. Now I just have to figure out how to add a banner on a picture. I did send you a PM on there but then I noticed you weren't posting.

Sandra D

Yaaay indeed! I feel like the lambs. Thanks for the happy photo!


I identify with the brown one.


As lambies go, those are real lookers. Thanks for the cheerful pic and the great link.

Beth S.

That pic would make a kickass banner for somebody's blog. ;-)


Happy spring to you!

Lambing is in full swing in this neck of the wood- lots of sleepless nights for shepherdesses!


Love them - reminds me of the last day of elementary school!


too cute. I am stealing your "would it kill ya to comment button" too. I hate that.. folks stop by, but never comment. I feel like i blog to a brick wall. then someone willsay 'oh i read on yor blog blah blha blah.." geez.

Niece Moffet

baaaaa! eee!

Andrea (noricum)

Thanks for the Lampede!


So friggin' cute!


I see fleece on the hoof! Yay!

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